Who is Bono?
Bono is the instant karma of the spirit of Frank fucking Sinatra.
Bono is love, peace and harmony. Bono is celebrity hack yacking in the prime minister's ear about freely negotiated debt.
Bono is the hooker with a heart of gold. He's also the rick prick that charges you $150 to see the greatest band in the land. Bono is one quarter of U2.
Bono is the dude that wrote that song you danced to at your wedding that you didn't realise was about a couple breaking up. Bono is the guy that wrote Desire. Bono is better by design. Bono is what Chris Martin will never become.
Bono's bad mood is Radiohead. Bono can be that kicking squeeling gucci little piggy.
Bono is a bluer kind of white.
Bono took the vague from Las Vegas and replaced it with MacPhisto. Bono is the singer in a rock n roll band.
Bono hears ridiculous voices.
Bono won't be come a minister in order to defeat a monster. Bono is Paul Hewson. Bono is not the Walrus, that was the other Beatle. Bono has the right shoes to get you through the night.
Bono is Frank Sinatra's two shots of happy, one shot of sad.
Bono is living on The Edge.
Bono is a mother fucking Pope. Bono wants to be your political compass and conscious. Bono is nuclear free. Bono writes the lyrics.
Bono is the guy that drinks too much wine. Bono is a preacher man, sometimes the too preachy man.
It's not secret that the STAR is falling from the sky
love it.
I am speechless...EPIC description, hehe. <3
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