Lady Gaga pioneers the meat bikini for Vogue (Vegans Hate HERRR!)

lady gaga meat bikini
Nice to meat you, Gaga

Music's biggest thing since Madonna stuck a pose, Lady Gaga has again stirred up the critics, punters and most importantly, that most obnoxious of lobby groups, Peta by posing in a meat bikini for Vogue Magazine.

You may recall how Pink once gotta captured by Peta's ideology - not Lady Gaga, she takes her meat seriously and was happy to pose for a Vogue Magazine cover.

Hold the Telephone, this is actually a PSA add!  Let's face it, she's actually doing a public service, inspiring young women all over the world to eat meat to get their iron levels up.

Anyways, PETA's all round gimp Terry Richardson said of the Vogue cover, saying "meat is something you want to avoid putting on or in your body," and that "no matter how beautifully it is presented, flesh from a tortured animal is flesh from a tortured animal."

What's all the fuss about really? Let's face it, Gaga is a publicity whore. It's actually part of her charm and appeal. In terms of the celebrity meat market, she's like Paris Hilton but is actually interesting. 

But let's get real, Gaga isn't the first person to come up with the concept of wearing a meat bikini.

After all, the celebrated Bacon Bikini has been around for years:

bacon bikini bra

Gaga has already done an awesome cover for Rolling Stone Magazine where her breasts seemed to support the 'big guns':

lady gaga gun tits bikini

But there was the time where the Bad Romance singer decided she would pay homage to Marilyn Munroe but her stylist misheard the request and thought she asked for Marilyn Manson:

gaga looks like manson

Let's not forget the 'bloody show' incident either!

lady gaga covered in blood

But we can't forget Gaga's appearance at Lollapalooza a couple of weeks ago where she let the fans grope her and basically wore the most see-through top she could find:

lady gaga see through top

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